
Working for Change

Flint Public Schools need to have cooperative network in order to change the path of failure to success....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


America is creating a permanent underclass, which through racism and systematic oppression is poisoning Black America with an apathetic consciousness. The American culture justifies its oppression of the black community with religion. The secular societal tradition of religious supremacy allows the absolutist attitude of evangelicals to inflict the fascist concepts of the Anglo right. This is reflected in a dominating contemporary and socially conservative environment in the American. In addition, the historical debauchery of slavery adds to this horrific cycle of destruction and poverty. This cycle is propagated through secular religion, which deifies ignorance by discourage self actualization and self accountability. Religion has spawn into a political phenomenon and is becoming a persistent factor in the American polity. This polity is circled with economic decadence, which is elicited explicitly in the inner-city. The decay of a race is directly related to the economic instability in America and a religious indignation of superiority. This instability is only sloppily monitored by a decaying oligopoly. In America our capitalistic hopes have become decadent and monopolistic. “America the great” is a phallic mirage. Our America was founded on the practice of racist slavery. Slavery in the most unjust nature, which created social classes based on appearance. This understanding is inherently prominent in the American psyche. In addition racist motivated slavery in practice has corrupted the American polity, by which the American mind can not operate without racial prejudice. Therefore it is the role of a Liberal society to create Positive and Negative balances for democratic continuity and economic stability.

Black America can not expect this reform to come from the tainted American mind. The American idea of liberty, in which Thomas Jefferson describes within the preamble of the constitution, is unbiased, but its interpretation is the controversy of the America polity. Mr. Jefferson suggests that rights are endowed, but the determination of the extent our government most protect these rights are its variable. The religious right wing of America cries for economic sovereignty and religious regulation in order to continue this racial degradation. In America Black culture was the expense, and white supremacy the developed practice. Unfortunately because of slavery we cannot make equality the goal. In America black people will never be equal, but with systematic changes we can battle the inherent racism developed by slavery. Liberty is the means, by which justice can be sustained. I suggest that individuals are not biased in nature, but develop biased ideology strictly through miss-education, or manipulation. Basically racism is a learned behavior, which is cultivated and perpetuated inherently in America culture. Black Americans must understand that slavery was a mental oppression, which is the only true American culture.

I will dissect this ideology and develop a true understanding; where by Liberty can be used in the American polity to make justice achievable and sustainable. The dialog between black and white people in America is the frame of the argument, and the conversation is economic, religious, political, and social liberty. Mr. Isaiah Berlin, Mr. Alex DeTocqueville, Mr. Thomas Hobbs, Mr. John Locke, and Mr. Thomas Pain are the platform thinkers, by which liberty is analyzed. The frame work of this piece will undeniable link the inexcusable action of slavery, were by; the American for-fathers institutionalized racial privilege, to the persistent evidence of a duality in racial identification amongst the contemporary American polity, and its economic ramification on a society systematically torn between two races. Religion is a tool of rational for the white supremacist ideology. In addition the works of these author’s are a substantial part of the American polity that I will dissect, and will be noted. I am not here to define liberty, but argue that liberty as suggested by the previous theorist is achievable and sustainable. I will also provide a systematic understanding of the political ramifications when religion becomes a tool of a tyrant. “A Blackman in America is an endangered species” I am my audience. This piece is an exploratory narrative, by which, I biography my experiences and research my assumptions. Individuals familiar with the works of Isaiah Berlin, Alex De Tocqueville, Thomas Hobbs, John Locke, Thomas Pain, James Harrington, William Putney, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Martin Luther King Jr, Malik El Shabazz, Willa EB Dubois, and Booker T. Washington will identify key concepts in my understand and the American polity.

Slavery is analyzed thoroughly, there by giving me the tools to debate how slavery has created racism. Oppression is used as the antithesis to liberty and is the antagonist of my story. This book looks at the issue of racial oppression, segregation, and economic decadence through the lens of a dysfunctional narrative. This narrative has many anecdotes, which depict actual events in my life. My life inspired the story, developed the ideas, and transformed the argument of racism. This is an autobiography of religion, slavery, racism, oppression, and economic instability. This piece is situational, and is not the words of the black community, but of a Blackman. I am twenty five years old. I am young considering the weight of this topic, but I feel that it is necessary to complete an ideology that young Blackmen can relate. In addition I feel the burden of a race consistently defeated, disillusioned, deflated, and lost. I elect to be the voice to my people and will die protecting that decision. I offer a blueprint to change, and search for the architect to deliverer “actualization”.

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